Copy and paste URLs directly into

Looking for a way to build your library without having to install or download anything? These are two ways to add items directly from the Niphtio web application:

Method 1: With the Add button

  1. Click the Add button
  2. Click Paste URL manually
  3. Paste the URL in the box and click Save

A screenshot highlighting the Add button inside the Niphtio app. Screenshot of the dropdown menu that appears after clicking Add. The option for Paste URL manually is highlighted.

Method 2: Paste URL directly into search bar

  1. From the Niphtio app, paste the URL into the search bar.
  2. Click the button that says Add [your URL]

Screenshot highlighting the search bar in the Niphtio app

Screenshot of the search modal. The user has entered into the search bar, and is selecting the button that appears labelled Add