Advanced search operators

For more precise searches you can use the advanced search operators listed below as part of your search query.

DescriptionOperatorWhat it does
Exact matches“XX”Find results that contain an exact match to the term
OR queriesXX | YYFind results that match either of the two terms rather than the default that matches both terms
Negative matching-XXFind results that do not have the term
Title searchtitle:XXFind results only based on searching through titles
Content searchcontent:XXFind results only based on searching through contents
Notes searchnote:XXFind results only based on searching through notes
To do(s)is:todoFind all To Do items, regardles of whether they are complete
Completed To Do(s)is:completeFind all completed To Do items
Incomplete To Do(s)is:incompleteFind all incomplete To Do items
URL searchurl:XXFind results by searching through URLs
Site results where the URL contains the exact match
Grouping operators(XX)Use parentheses to group operators and control the order in which they execute. e.g. (cake | pie) recipe